European HRO Conference november 2011
De conferentie in 2011 introduceerde HRO aan een breed publiek binnen verschillende sectoren. Het programma ging onder andere in op de volgende vragen:
- What is High Reliability Organizing about? What are the main principles and conditions for HRO?
- What pioneer experiences are out there to learn from? What is the business case for HRO?
- How do we translate High Reliability Organizing experiences and research on nuclear power plants, flight carriers or hospitals to other sectors such as policing, peace operations, high tech production, servicing, finance, transportation, community development, care?
- How should existing, control-oriented approaches to quality, safety or risk management be challenged to manage the unexpected?
- What are leadership and organizational challenges to implement High Reliability Organizing? For example: How may trade-offs between safety, profit, efficiency, customer satisfaction and reliability be balanced?Voor een overzicht van het programma kunt u hier klikken.
De beschikbare sheet presentaties staan hier.
Er werd ook tweede dag georganiseerd:
proHRO Expert Workshop as a post-conference gathering (November 16th)
The proHRO Expert Workshop is by invitation only for a designated group of HRO experts of different industry sectors. During the workshop specific HRO topics will be explored for future development by the proHRO platform.
Het proHRO team